Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Digi-tools Final Study Cards

i could not embed the flashcards. so i am providing a link that you can use to look at the flashcards.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Flat Classroom Student Summit

3-5 lessons i learned from the flat classroom project are;

  • How to collaborate on a global scale with all of the out sourcing.
  • I also learned how to communicate with people on what i wanted with my video so that it would look good with the  rest of the video.
  • I also have learned that you have to get projects done on time if other people are waiting on you because if you don't do your part you are taking away from their project.

what did i enjoy about the flat classroom project?
  • i enjoyed that i was able to talk to people from the other side of the world
  • i also enjoyed that everyone was able to work together quite well.

there was only a couple parts of the project that i did not enjoy. one of those parts was when we were writing the wiki i was the only one that ever worked on it so i got points deducted because my "partners" did not help me at all

Monday, April 29, 2013

the Flat Classroom Project Keynote

  1. What technology tools do you use for fun that can be used to in education to communicate and collaborate?
  2. How are the 21st Century Skills that digital natives possess and educators promote being addressed in the Flat Classroom project you are in?
  3. In what ways do the communication and collaboration experiences that you are using in your Flat Classroom project prepare you for your future?
  4. How can you use your existing communication and collaboration skills, as well as your expectations of immediate responses, to improve your participation in your Flat Classroom project?

             I see that there is online programs that we could use in the future so that you would not have to miss class even though you are at home and not be able to go to school. it would even work if we had a snow day. it would also let the people who are working on a project together can collaborate even when they are outside of class. It could also be used to have something like the Flat Classroom Project for everyone. It would give the students a greater access to people of other cultures so they will know how to treat people of other cultures.

             Some skills that you will need to be successful in the digital age is communication skills, know how to outsource, and how to collaborate with people all across the world. Everyone will need these skills in the near future so that they will be able to compete in a global market. you will need to be able to outsource to other people so that you will not have a massive overflow of work. You will also need to communicate with a bunch of different types of people so that you will be able to get the project or whatever you are working on done faster.

           they prepair me for the future because i will need these skill so that i will be able to compete in the "net generation" so i will be able to be successful in my job. i will also need them so that i will be able to talk to people that are able to help me with what i am working on so that i can do it to the best of my abilities so i wont get fired for not having good work quality.

      i could use them so that i could get a job that is growing so i will be successful in the future. i will also use them so that i will be able to do my job to the best of my abilities

Monday, February 18, 2013

Digital Citizenship

Hey! I have created this blog because i have to for a class but i think this whole blogging thing will be fun. This blog is about things that have to do with the online world and how you should act and cool things you can do with it.

My question for you guys out in the bloggespher is, What does it mean to act in good digital Citizenship? i will give you my answer, i think it mean don't call people names that are rude or mean. Also do not pretend to be someone that you are not because that could cause a fight in real life and you might not want that to happen and that will be what happens and you cannot control the situation you are in. That is a couple reasons why i think you should act with kindness and respect for everyone online so you do not start something you can't stop.

The definition for online citizenship is how you act when you are online you should act with respect and courtesy to all people.

Personally i think my online profile is pretty good because i don't do social network a lot so i do not usually talk to people online. My friends act okay when they are online but they can also be very dumb when they are online.